the setting was in a room, a 180ft2 room. 18 ft from the entrance door, there was a guy sitting there alone. the room was dark, empty and it is quiet. only the 20inches bulb was lighting the entire room. silence... totally silent.soundless, only the sound from the moving machine of a fan. sweeping the air. no one, besides the little insects which attracted by the light bulb and land on it. the guy was staring around with no purpose, imaginary friend appeared and descried to him the beauty of the world out there. but he seems to have no interest in those. he was wondering...
far away from the room, a 7 feet clock tower rang, 11 times, indicated it was 11pm at night. but it meant nothing to the guy. the sound of the bell was just some additional of melody into the silence of the night. in front of him, there was a cup of hot coffee, vaporizing. it is because of the smell of the coffee that made him feel that he is still connected with the world. the sense of smell makes him stay awake in this long passing night. he had completely loss count with the cups of coffee he had taken.sensitivity against numbers become prominent to him in sudden. every single object on the desk is like taking their own coordination, arranging themselves neatly and steadily on the the desk. why alone? this was the question arose for thousands time. but it seems to have no definite answer for it.
the gentle wind blew from outside, it was just like a gentle hand tapping on the shoulder of the guy and persuaded him to rest his day. his body was tiring, feeling tonnes of burden on his back. "is time for me to rest, i think", he mumbled to himself. finally, he was on his bed, the eyelids were closing, yet his mind was asking, "why alone?" there is no answer for it, thus, let him rest and maybe in his dream he will finally meet the answer. let him rest the wind spoke gently..."good night my dear. you deserve a complete rest", it added.
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